City Girl (can't remember her name) has psychic connection to twin sister, or something. One day her brain gets frazzled and she knows shit when down. Her sister was in the backwoods of China, or someplace and she hops from the towers of Hong Kong into the green inferno of ruralness to find out what went down.
Getting hooked up with some film makers there to capture some ancient ceremony, City Girl and her new pals book into a creepy hotel run by a creepy sister and her mentally challenged brother. When faced with the prospect of playing someone with a disability, the actor in question merely sticks his tongue into the side of his mouth and goes "Buuuuuuuurgh!". Thankfully he's not around much.
Most of the film is taken up with soft core sex with the odd mild bondage theme, along with some vague stabs at atmospheric mystery and some odd moments of horror. The sex can get dull but at least there are no players with too much body hair, giant moles or strange scars that you get in some Category III movies.
With a stylistic bent that is the flavour of Dr Lamb but stir fried in giallo juice, with even some nods to the Shining, the Imp is a slightly above average entry in the Category III genre. I dug it for the most part, it has a nice slow but never dull burn and the final twenty minutes are effective in getting some actual nastiness into the movie.
Some tits, blood and bondage then, all shot in that cool red and blue Hong Kong flavour.
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